Apply to adopt, foster or volunteer.
Thank you so much for your interest in rescue dogs. If you are interested in adopting a dog from Kamloops Ruff Start Rescue, please fill out this application. Please note we try to match each dog with the most fitting home based on the dog’s needs, not necessarily on a first come, first served basis. We try to contact each applicant, but as we only have a few volunteers on the application team, it is not always possible. Thank you for your understanding.
Kamloops Ruff Start Rescue Society is a foster-home-based rescue. This means that our volunteer foster families spend time getting to know our new rescue dogs before they are adopted. This allows the dogs to stay out of shelters and be surrounded with love quicker.
If you are interested in fostering a dog, please fill out this application.
Kamloops Ruff Start Rescue Society is run solely by volunteers. We could not save dogs’ lives without our team of dog-loving volunteers. We are always looking for more help. If you aren’t able to foster, there are other jobs available, such as administration duties, social media, fundraising and many others, that are so important to our rescue.
If you are interested in volunteering in some capacity, please fill out this application.
We understand that making the decision to surrender your dog can be very difficult and emotional. In appropriate circumstances, Kamloops Ruff Start Rescue Society will admit domestic pets when a guardian is no longer able to provide care for them.
If you are looking to surrender your dog, please fill out the form and a team member will get back to you shortly.